Geopandas and Geoplot

Below is a simple example of using geopandas and geoplot to visualize some spatial data. The data is derived from SMHI Open data and is downloaded and stored in GeoJSON by a Python script using Python bindings and utilities for GeoJSON.

Import libraries and ignore annoying warning message

In [7]:
%matplotlib inline

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import geopandas as gpd
import geoplot as gplt
import warnings; warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', 'GeoSeries.isna', UserWarning)

Read the shape file downloaded from Natural Earth. The file used is Admin 1 - States, Provinces. Then filter out Sweden.

In [8]:
world = gpd.read_file("data/ne_10m_admin_1_states_provinces.shp")
swe = world[world['admin'] == 'Sweden']  # Filter out Sweden from the world

Now read the data file on average daily temperatures from SMHI, use the coordinate reference system WGS84 ("epsg=4326") and display some data.

In [9]:
avg_temp = gpd.read_file("*") # Probl in EPSG 3006 or 3021
avg_temp = avg_temp.to_crs(epsg=4326)
id key title summary updated timestamp height value geometry
0 Abisko Aut 02 Lufttemperatur medelvärde 1 dygn, 1 gång/dygn, kl 00 1593896400000 2020-07-04T21:00:00 392.303 8.5 POINT (18.81640 68.35380)
1 Adelsö A 02 Lufttemperatur medelvärde 1 dygn, 1 gång/dygn, kl 00 1593896400000 2020-07-04T21:00:00 5.612 16.7 POINT (17.52130 59.35790)
2 Arjeplog A 02 Lufttemperatur medelvärde 1 dygn, 1 gång/dygn, kl 00 1593896400000 2020-07-04T21:00:00 430.839 7.6 POINT (17.83960 66.05130)
3 Arvidsjaur A 02 Lufttemperatur medelvärde 1 dygn, 1 gång/dygn, kl 00 1593896400000 2020-07-04T21:00:00 382.450 6.2 POINT (19.26420 65.59410)
4 Arvika A 02 Lufttemperatur medelvärde 1 dygn, 1 gång/dygn, kl 00 1593896400000 2020-07-04T21:00:00 65.758 12.5 POINT (12.63540 59.67430)

Equally, read some pressure data from the same date and display.

In [10]:
pressure = gpd.read_file("*")
pressure = pressure.to_crs(epsg=4326)
id key title summary updated timestamp height value geometry
0 Abisko Aut 09 Lufttryck reducerat havsytans nivå vid havsytans nivå, momentanvärde, 1 gång/tim 1593896400000 2020-07-04T21:00:00 392.303 1000.4 POINT (18.81640 68.35380)
1 Arjeplog A 09 Lufttryck reducerat havsytans nivå vid havsytans nivå, momentanvärde, 1 gång/tim 1593896400000 2020-07-04T21:00:00 430.839 998.7 POINT (17.83960 66.05130)
2 Arvidsjaur A 09 Lufttryck reducerat havsytans nivå vid havsytans nivå, momentanvärde, 1 gång/tim 1593896400000 2020-07-04T21:00:00 382.450 997.0 POINT (19.26420 65.59410)
3 Arvika A 09 Lufttryck reducerat havsytans nivå vid havsytans nivå, momentanvärde, 1 gång/tim 1593896400000 2020-07-04T21:00:00 65.758 1001.9 POINT (12.63540 59.67430)
4 Axstål Mo 09 Lufttryck reducerat havsytans nivå vid havsytans nivå, momentanvärde, 1 gång/tim 1593896400000 2020-07-04T21:00:00 91.000 1002.5 POINT (14.57220 58.57190)

Now do the plotting. Setup the projection, conic projection Albers. 2 plots will be made, for temperature and pressure, hence 2 axis is created.

Do a voronoi diagram for temperatures and pressure, then plot Sweden (including counties) on top. For the voronoi plts, use the colormap ("cmap") coolwarm, select the value as 'hue="value"`.

In [11]:
proj =
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,5))
ax1 = plt.subplot(121, projection=proj)
ax2 = plt.subplot(122, projection=proj)
gplt.polyplot(swe, edgecolor="Black", zorder=1, linewidth=0.5, projection=proj, ax=ax1)
gplt.polyplot(swe, edgecolor="Black", zorder=1, linewidth=0.5, projection=proj, ax=ax2)
<cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxesSubplot at 0x7fd4f4a5cda0>

That's it