
I have a Flask-application that is externally accessed via an nginx proxy. Using this configuration I encountered a problem to access the full content, described below.

After some investigation, I found out that the fix for this problem was to set the value of a WSGI environment variable named SCRIPT_NAME.


A web-client access the link The web-server at domain is a nginx proxy, that passes the request to another node in my network that is running gunicorn/flask application stack. Flask generates html content that is passed back to the original web-client.

In the html-template that flask is using to generate html code, I have

<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='ws.js') }}"></script>

which in turn will generate this

<script src="static/ws.js"></script>

which causes the web-client to request which in turn causes a 404 return.

What we want instead is

<script src="tv_ws/static/ws.js"></script>

that becomes

So how to get tv_ws into the URL?

An extensive description is found here. It boils down to setting the value of the WSGI environment variable SCRIPT_NAME to tv_ws.

If you set SCRIPT_NAME=/tv_ws, WSGI guarantees that the web server running the app will strip this prefix from incoming URLs, and add it to outgoing URLs.

Here is how I do it in my flask application

class ReverseProxied(object):
    def __init__(self, app, script_name): = app
        self.script_name = script_name

    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = self.script_name
        return, start_response)

app = Flask(__name__)
app.wsgi_app = ReverseProxied(app.wsgi_app, script_name='/tv_ws')

Note that if SCRIPT_NAME already have a value (default value is "") it will be overwritten. Here, the wsgi_app object of the flask app is extended with the ReverseProxied-class. According to the WSGI specification, the application should call start_response (which is a server callback function), this is done within flask. The extended flask application sets the value of SCRIPT_NAME and call the original flask application object.

Several other solutions are discussing of setting the configuration of nginx instead, as an example see