
In Sweden, Trafikverket (Swedish Transport Administration) have a country wide network of weather stations monitor road conditions. The primary purpose is to use data for managing of roads, but data is available through an Open API.

I have implemented reading data from selected station recurrently (when new data is produced), store into a JSON file and generate an HTML-file. The implementation store and plot 24 hours of data at most.

As an example, weather data for station "Lund N" is here


Using the Open API require an authorization key, a registration is needed (free of charge). The key is available there. The key is added to file auth.yml using syntax:

    key: 71fa8aa80d...

The python program will read the key from this file.

To get the data, a query-string is needed, following the syntax as stated by Trafikverket. Something like this.

  <LOGIN authenticationkey='71fa8aa80d...'/>
  <QUERY sseurl="true" objecttype='WeatherMeasurepoint' schemaversion='1'>
        <EQ name="Name" value='""" + stn_name + """' />

Any station available can be read by using its name, refer to this map and zoom in to find the right name and use this in the <FILTER> paragraph.

The implementation starts with making a HTTP-GET request for json-formatted information:

url = ""
r =, data=query.encode('utf-8'), headers={'Content-Type': 'text/xml'}).json()

The response will include a sse_url, this can be used as:

sse_url = r['RESPONSE']['RESULT'][0]['INFO']['SSEURL']
messages = SSEClient(sse_url)
    for msg in messages:
    # more code here
    # ...
except ConnectionResetError:
    url = sse_url + "&lasteventid=" +
    messages = SSEClient(url)

Exception handling is needed as the connection to the server will go up and down. To continue reading from the same stream the parameter lasteventid need to have the value in from the last received message.

The for-loop to get messages is contained in a while True-loop that includes the exception handling. Thus we have fixed a robust connection toward Trafikverket. This has implication for the plotting, described below.

What Trafikverket implemented is so called Server Side Events (SSE). This means that the server push notification on the connection when data is available, the client doesn't have to recurrently poll the server. Thus, most of the time the implementation is stuck in the for msg in message statement.

When data is available, we pick it up by

data = json.loads(

Following that, the data can be processed, for exampled plotted, this is described below.


Using Flask, Highcharts, Bootstrap, jQuery and some javascript a web client/server model is used to expose information as a dahsboard.

The flask app is served through gunicorn listening on port 8300 (using a systemd service). A webclient uses a querystring parameter stn to indicate which station data to use, e.g. stn=Lund.

The flask-app (ws_emitter) generates an html-page in return, using the template mechanism with flask, see details at github.

The html-page uses bootstrap for layout of the dashboard, specifically using the grid system and card-component. In the html code, id-values are used to set symbolic names of specific divisions of the page. These divisions are then referenced by javascript code with actual data read from the server using ajax.

To render the table of the last hour of data, the jquery plugin datatables is used. The querystring paramter ind (short for index) is used with value -7, indicating to get the last 7 values from the server (as reading are done normally every 10th minute from trafikverket, using the last 7 readings will get the last hour of data).

Highcharts are used to draw graphs of temperature and humidity (dual y-axis as the graphs are in the same diagram), rain (also dual y-axis as both momentary and accumulated values are show in the same diagram), wind (using the specific wind-barb feature in Highcharts) and a wind-rose.

The wind-rose needs some calculations and is therefore using d3.js bin function (normally used for making histrograms) to group wind data in wind speed intervals. These bins are then looped to calculate the frequency of wind-directions in certain intervals (0-45, 45 - 90, etc). This information are then fed into highcharts windrose chart.

Better read the source code for all details of above...


The script runs as a daemon on a Raspberry Pi, to have this systemd is used and a service description file with content below is stored in /etc/systemd/system/tv_ws.service:

Description=Trafikverket weatherstation

